Tuesday, March 6, 2012

where I do my best thinking..

the elliptical.. taken creepily from the step machine
Lately I've been all about hitting the gym and hitting it hard. I try to go for at least two hours about 6 days a week. This might seem crazy for someone who has to eat breakfast while doing her hair because she doesn't have any free time, but for some reason I cherish these gym hours. It isn't that I especially like working out all that much (who does?!) or that I feel this is something I should be doing (realistically I should be either: applying for jobs, reading, or sleeping). There is something about having these 2 hours to myself to just zone out that I really love.

I've come to realize that the while on the elliptical or on the treadmill I usually spend time reflecting on my day or what's coming up. It's in these moments that I get the opportunity to catch my breath and actually contemplate what's going on. I don't know how my life would be if I didn't take these minutes to give thought to the issues of the day. I don't get the same kind of opportunity when I am watching tv or playing around on the internet. The gym is the one place where I can actually step away from all that stimulation and internalize my thoughts.

The extra endorphins don't suck either.

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